Welcome to The Swingers Dance Studio, where we offer best dance classes for kids aged 7-11. Our Juniors Dance Classes are also available in Bangalore and Chennai, providing a comprehensive dance education tailored to young dancers. This program is meticulously designed to foster growth in dance techniques, flexibility, and musicality, enhancing both physical stamina and academic concentration.

How It Works

Our course is divided into three structured levels, each designed to progressively develop your child’s dance abilities. The duration and focus of each level are as follows:

  • Level 1: 4 months
  • Level 2: 3 months
  • Level 3: 3 months

Each level concludes with practical and theory exams, allowing parents to witness their child’s progression and growth in dance. To enrich their experience and knowledge, students will participate in two showcase events, “Inspirations,” held after the completion of Level 1 and Level 3.

Class Structure

Our classes are carefully structured to ensure a balanced and effective learning experience:

  • Warm-up: 10 minutes
  • Floor Exercises: 5 minutes
  • Stretches: 5 minutes
  • Across the Floor: 10 minutes
  • Dance Combination: 30 minutes

Curriculum Breakdown

Level 1:

  • Basic Techniques
  • Rhythmic Knowledge
  • Flexibility & Toning

Level 2:

  • Advanced Techniques & Stretches
  • Across the Floor Exercises
  • Dance Terminology

Level 3:

  • Dance Progression
  • Turns & Jumps
  • Musical Theatre

Throughout the course, students will be exposed to a variety of dance styles, including:

  • Modern Jazz
  • Latin Fusion
  • Contemporary
  • Hip-hop
  • Jazz Funk

Join Us Today!

Enroll your child in our certification program and give them the opportunity to learn from the best dance instructors in Chennai and Bangalore. Watch them grow not just as dancers, but as confident individuals ready to take on any stage.

Ready to take the first step? Contact us today to learn more about our Juniors Dance Classes and schedule a visit to our studio.